Bringing Back the Future

Elon Musk with clasped hands

"It's very difficult to start companies and quite painful, and that's important to bear in mind. That's probably not encouraging. Let me put it this way: If you need inspiring words, don't do it."

-- Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a visionary that has repeatedly taken advantage of voids present in multiple markets, often in suprising ways. First it was Zip2 (a precursor to Yelp and Google Maps), and later, co-founding Paypal.com (formerly X.com) whiched ushered in the era of online banking.

Despite early successes with Internet services, he has since moved on. While many of this generation's smartest minds brew new ways for people to click on ads, Musk is instead creating new companies in various other industries, and though appearing an amateur to newfound competitors, his businesses are thriving today.

Many of his companies are in unrelated fields but are united by a drive to usher humanity along to advancement and sustainability. Given Musk's net worth at $13.9 billion, it might seem strange that some of his major projects are so successful yet still have a strong conservationist focus.

Rather than coincidence, it is more likely that Musk has a knack for spotting the interesection between design, technology, and business, allowing him to take profitable risks while still achieving humanitarian aims. As a result, quite a few people are starting to turn their heads.